Webfarming on Windows Server 2003 & 2008

http://www.west-wind.com/presentations/loadbalancing/networkloadbalancingwindows2003.asp This guide is a very comprehensive walk-through on several key points on creating webserver farms, both in 2003 but this is also still relevant in 2008 (R2) A small pointer here is that also there is an old MS article which states you should make a binding of you cluster IP on your IIS […]

CRM4.0 failure to detect asp.NET 2.0 being installed

An extremely usefull link about this problem: http://crm.vdsnickt.eu/2010/05/ms-crm-4-0-setup-error-asp-net-is-not-installed/ Ran into the problem while trying to upgrade from CRM3.0 to 2011 which requires 3.0 to be upgraded to 4.0. The problem is caused by the CRM 4.0 installer being a bit retarded as the poster points out. Simply adding ASP.net 2.0 to the ASAPI filter list […]

Hyper-V Time drift on Virtual DC

When working with Virtual domaincontrollers on Hyper-V you are very likely to have come across the time drifting problem. I have found a very nice site which gives so good insight in the workings of Hyper-V Time Synchronisation and also why you should keep it enabled. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/virtual_pc_guy/archive/2010/11/19/time-synchronization-in-hyper-v.aspx Ofcourse it is always recommended that you keep […]

Achieved 70-662 MCTS Exchange 2010 Configuration

After a short experiance with Exchange 2010 in both test and internal environments I have today passed 70-662 (Exchange 2010 configuration), not a whole lot of difference compared to 2007 besides ofcourse the new features. More interesting was the new format Microsoft has where they now offer upto 13 different awnsers decreasing the “luck” factor […]

Pending Reboot

If you are running into issues with unexpected “Pending Reboot” status on a Windows box it’s worth while to check the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager should contain a key named “PendingFileRenameOperations” which is a REG_MULTI_SZ key. This contains the pointers to all files currently being updated. This key can, in some cases, get poluted by […]

Creating internal certificate for OWA with multiple URLs

Creating a certificate that supports multiple URLs for internal and external usage in Exchange OWA using an internal CA via Windows. As a guide I used this article and also CertReq /? Create a TXT file with the following content: [NewRequest] Subject = “CN=Exchange.Pastures.local” Exportable = true ExportableEncrypted = true MachineKeySet = true FriendlyName = […]