Update SharePoint STS certificate

Renew the current self-signed certificate using IIS via “Server Certificates”, right-clicking on the current certificate and running the “Create Self-Signed Certificate”. Export this new certificate by right-clicking it. Then run the following PowerShell script using PowerShell ISE with Administrator rights; .’C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\CONFIG\POWERSHELL\Registration\SharePoint.ps1′ $pfxPath = “your file here.pfx” $pfxPass = “your password […]

SharePoint 2007 Portal Site Hidden Login

In an on-going effort the create SharePoint template pages we have made a nice piece of code that allows us to hide the login button of the SharePoint Portal site unless users add a specific variable to the URL or unless they are logged in: <% SPUser currentUser = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser; string DisplayLogin = Request[“login”]; if […]