Secure your PHP (on Windows)

Although alot of people will be running PHP on an Apache environment I have several reasons to be running mine on Windows, specifically 2012 R2. Lately I’ve been seeing alot of activity of people trying to inject mallicious code into several of my clients websites and so have begun drilling down into securing PHP. To […]

Bijna helft Nederlandse banken beschermt u niet (optimaal) tegen phishing

U heeft nog nooit van SPF gehoord maar wel van phishing, mensen die u irritante e-mail sturen namens uw bank en op die manier u geld afhandig proberen te maken. SPF kan u hier (deels) tegen beschermen doordat banken bekend maken welke server namens hun e-mail mogen sturen en welke niet. Dit is een klein […]

Installing .NET 3.5 on Windows 10 in offline mode

With Windows 10 alot of people run into the problem that when they, or some software, needs to install .NET 3.5 it claims it cannot download the files. There is a “simple” fix to this issue by running the installer directly from the Windows CD using an Elevated command prompt with the following command: Dism […]

Script to remove AutoMapping from select or all users in Exchange

An adeptation of the script by Matthias R Jessen. # Get all mailboxes in the forest $Mailboxes = Get-User -OrganizationalUnit “Employees” | Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -IgnoreDefaultScope $ConfirmPreference = “None” # Iterate over each mailbox foreach($Mailbox in $Mailboxes) {     try     {         # Try to run the example fix against the current $Mailbox         […]

How to get an A grade on SSLLabs with IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2

After having some serious problems trying to find proper documentation for how to fix some of the bigger leaks in IIS (such as logjam, FREAK, POODLE) I became frustrated with the lack of documentation. Microsoft itself will point you to Nartac IIS Crypto which is a great tool, but I needed to roll these fixes out […]

Hoeveel informatie geeft je telefoon over jou weg?

Reis je regelmatig met de trein of zit je vaak bij dat leuke café met gratis WiFi, fijn hè? Vooral als je het dusdanig vaak doet dat je “automatisch aanmelden” hebt aangezet. Scheelt je weer dataverkeer op je abonnement, wie wil dat nou niet!? Jammer genoeg gebeuren er op de achtergrond nu alleen zaken waar […]