NAT Building on Cisco IOS 12.3

Most common use of a home router is ofcourse NAT. The “new” 2621 is now running IOS 12.3.26(GD) IP and has been fully configured for NAT. There are lots of guides out there but I will post my own approach here also:

conf terminal
interface fastethernet 0/0

no shutdown

description WAN

bandwidth 102400

ip address

ip nat outside

interface fastethernet 0/1

no shutdown

description LAN

bandwidth 102400

ip address


access-list 1 permit

ip nat inside source list 1 interface fastethernet 0/0 overload

Ofcourse this scenario does assume you have made no settings in the router what-so-ever but you can always leave out anything you don’t need. I also used an access-list for added security internally.

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